This is false. Sasquatches don’t have fangs or claws. They have nails just like us. And of corse teeth, although there teeth are said to be longer then ours.

There has been no evidence that they have homes of any kind

No reports of this have been filed

There has been Mentioning of long claws and fangs.
Sasquatches have homes or use caves for homes
People can communicate with Sasquatches.

There has been no note of communication of any kind.

There are secret methods for tracking down Sasquatches.

The only way to prove the effectiveness of any method for attracting Sasquatches would be to actually attract some. Anyone who succeeded in doing that should have something to show for it.
There have been claims of Sasquatches of marking their territory, sleeping or eating.
Sasquatches Migrate.

It may be that Sasquatches migrate, but that is not the sort of thing that would enable a person to take up a station and intercept a migrating sasquatch on the way by.

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